Custom Photo Gallery Websites for Professional Photographers
Software Versions
- Responsive web-design for tablet and mobile devices
- Use lazyload for gallery pages
- Automatic minimization for CSS and JS files
- Fixed a little image display bug in the newsStream
- Created a new general CSS class for news articles images / thumbs - those images are displayed centered with caption and image shadow
- Changed the layout of the news article previews in the newsStream - now only the article thumb is shown, all other images are stripped out
- Umlauts are now allowed in articles, pages, galleries and photos url-names
- Implemented a new news feature for creating trip-reports easily from a gallery - you can now create those news articles with a few clicks in the CMS
- Added some practical under-the-hood optimizations for the apps update routine
- Some layout and text corrections in different CMS forms
- Added the generic Payment Form to the optional sitemap content
- Display of the language selection flags on cart and photo pages is now optional
- the code for each photo can be copied on its edit form in the CMS
- this change provides a more smooth and constant look of the newsStream
- a detailed desciption how-to do that can be found here:
- Specify if a download is free for all visitors or needs an active login (and registration)
- Toggle display of VAT and an explaining hint text (due to some laws in germany)
- A new delete function for the Photo Edit Wizard to delete a bunch of photos at once
- Fixed some issues in the wordpress plugin (due to the backend refactoring)
- Implementation of a new view counter for all dynamic pages and galleries
- Fixed some issues with umlauts in the photo keywords
- Implemented a new sitemap module to improve search engine visbility for all pages
- Writing draft articles and publishing them later is now possible
- Some minor bugfixes and improvements in the news module
- Implemented a new link to subsribe to the mailing list in the newsStream
- Fixed a RSS Feed issue caused by the new customizable app layout
- Fixed a small bug when displaying the back to search link on photo pages
- Simplified the update process - you now get automatic notifies when new application updates are available
- The option for darkness feature on photo pages can now be turned on/off
- Optimized display of currencies on different server settings
- The product page of a photo is now linked on the photo-edit form
- New batch upload for photos - Upload a whole set of new photos at once
- A new Photo-Edit-Wizard module - update lots of properties of lots of photos with one form
- Implemented a new sort option in list-photos module by views (popularity)
- Lots of changes in the backend due to the applications update functionality
- Fixed a little bug in the guestbook module
- Solved some problems with umlauts in filenames in edit-photo module
- installation of an update now with just one click
- titles and urlnames are automatically generated from the filenames
- more information like locations, descriptions, keywords and products e.g. can be added
- you can edit the additional galleries, keywords, location
- search, news stream, rss feed options and products
- always choose to add, remove, replace or clear these properties
- Update functionality for the application:
- app is now updateable with only one archive file
- easily install (and rollback) all version changes with just one click
- automated checks for all required files, predecessor version, downloadable log file etc.
- also added a new "howto" to the Help System
- - Implemented a larger image view option:
- new option to upload and show a larger version of a photo
- the large version is automatically linked below the original photo
- also added a new "howto" to the Help System
- - New features in order module:
- send payment-received and delivery-confirmation e-mails with one click
- adjusted some font sizes on order summary- and single order page
- new algorithm for calculating order numbers - Customized shipping zones:
- added a new module to add / edit shipping zones
- set numerous options like costs, a free shipping amount or an active flag - New option to select shops currency:
- choose from different currencies like EUR, USD, GBP, NOK, CHF
- new currencies can now be implemented within a few minutes - Added a new Product Wizard:
- easily add one (or more) new products to all (or only specific) photos of a gallery - New options for Breadcrumbs, Related Images and Galleries:
- toggle on/off to display those links
- decide where to display the links on photo and gallery pages - New layouts and improvements for news articles:
- various layout and code improvements
- option to toggle each link in the newsStream on/off
- write article comments more easily - New general site option to get copies of all system emails
- Added some more information about the photos and galleries to the CMS start page
- Fixed some css bugs and a submission bug in the Link module
- Lots of minor layout and design changes, some code reviews and improvements
- e.g. usability refinements on photo pages
- plus more on guestbook, cart and checkout pages
- Created a wordpress migration / plugin for new customers with an existing blog
- written a new DG Help System entry how to use photos from the DG database in wordpress:
- see an example of a wordpress integration here:
- Implementation of a new administration-bar on the frontend sites
- the bar is semitransparent and fixed to the upper edge
- with the new generated "smartlinks" you can now edit even faster all:
- Photos, Galleries, News, Comments, Content Pages etc.
- this requires that you are logged in and have the Admin role
- Changed layouts of some forms throughout the site (e.g. Contact Form)
- New option to get a list of your latest uploads in the List-Photos Module
- Some major changes in the File Module (speaking URLs, new buttons and more)
- Revised cart, photo search and guestbook modules and adjusted some links, fonts, naming etc.
- Created a new payment form for individual payments via PayPal
- receive money from customers for something that doesn’t have a set price on your website and thus can’t be put into the shopping cart (e.g. image licensing)
- Fixed some minor bugs and improved the validation process on serveral forms in the CMS
- Implemented photo-swiping through galleries on mobile devices
- as usual navigate through the photos of a gallery by clicking the links next to a photo
- or use the arrow keys on the keyboard
- and now added iPad / iPhone swiping functionality as well
- easily “swipe” left and right on the photos to navigate through the galleries
- Several minor layout changes on the photo pages
- Improved the checkout process and Order Confirmation E-Mails
- Migrate all Java Script effects to jQuery on the frontent pages
- all fade-ins, smooth scrolling, dynamically appearing divs,
- rearrange photos via drag and drop, use of arrow keys for gallery- and photonavigation
- slideshow and ajax autosuggestion for keywords on search form
- Using PJAX to partially load new content of photo sites
- Implemented and tested but discarded because:
- not all social plugins load properly with correct URLs, titles and descriptions
- not 100% sure about the functionality of different analytics page tracker software
- and finally it will not safe much loading time or traffic on the photo pages
- because nearly all content is unique for a photo (title, keywords, description, products, awards, etc.)
- Used typeahead for keywords on news form
- Fixed some layout issues for extra long photo titles
- Redesigned the edit-photo form in the CMS
- Now using HTML5 doctypes, CSS, script links and menu syntax "nav"
- Improved forms with HTML5 input types
- Implemented new search for an image ID number in the CMS
- Replaced AddThis buttons with ShareThis buttons (better integration)
- Integrated new option to make the complete background black with one click
- used on photo pages for sites with a bright design
- Revised some error messages for different forms in the CMS
- Changed the filename validation so Umlauts are now allowed
- Fixed an issue with names ending on an "s" on the newsletter subscription form
- Easily use an existing thumb when adding a news article
- Fix (and new fallback types) for non-existent fonts on different operating systems
- Rearranged css and js loading for improved performance
- Search term LATEST is now displaying photos ordered by uploading date and not most popular
- Fixed some issues on error document like app title, format etc.
- New module for deleting unwanted news comments
- Fixed standard font size for all systems - windows, mac, linux
- Facebook Like, Twitter and G+ button counter optional under each gallery, photo, content and news page
- Prefetching for "next link" for photo and gallery pages
- Calculated unique views for each gallery (displayed on start and gallery pages)
- Included search term in page title
- Added box-shadow for news stream and article images
- Improved search results (eg. when looking for "iceland", "nice" is no longer found)
- Implemented use of arrow keys to navigate through galleries and photos
- Lots of new CSS and HTML features (inputs, fonts, boxes and buttons)
- Photo fade in is no longer waiting for social plugins to load
- Now displaying links to all galleries a photo is in below the image
- More bugfixes and lots of subtle changes
- Using Twitter Bootstrap for an improved look & feel of the whole CMS
- Migrated from prototype to jQuery in the CMS
- Usage of various new application environments
- While developing or testing e.g. statisticdata remains unaltered
- All system e-mails are redirected to developers only and much more
- Improved search engine visibility on some pages
- Developed an own search function for articles
- Automated recommendation of keywords for image-, article- und gallery forms
- Integrated an optional Editors Note for article pages
- Galleries are now protectable with a password
- Images of those galleries do no longer show up in search results
- Improved slideshows, now also for image search results
- List of all images (incl. thumb), sortable by different criteria
- Extended the list of currently online users with some additional information
- Improved usability of numerous cms modules
- Simple image protection
- Prevents users from easily downloading images by right-click-saving or dragging-to-desktop.
- Improved drag & drop image organizing within each gallery
- Use of some new CSS3 and HTML5 features
- Dynamically appearing srollup button etc.
- Adjustments to the cart and checkout process due to the "Button Solution" (german law)
- Display of the optional Facebook- and/or Twitterpage links
- More bugfixes and lots of subtle changes
- New customizable news stream composed of a mix of photos and articles
- Layout changes for streams
- New preview for articles
- Unique urls and visibility for articles
- Optional comment notification emails for reg. users
- Changed layout and content of comment e-mails
- New 404 error page
- Enabled different application environments for local testing etc.
- Logging of failed login attempts
- Brute force attack prevention
- Some new cleanup maintenance cronjobs for statistics data
- Additional minor bugfixes and std. layout changes
- SEO optimization on photo pages
- Improved usability on comment- and photo pages
- Implemented a configurable tag-cloud on the search page
- Rearrange photos positions in galleries via drag and drop
- Schedule photo and article releases easily for a subsequent date
- Improved loading speed throughout the site
- Updated some help topics
- RSS Feed for articles and photos
- Some minor bugfixes and adjustments
- Implemented new help system module and CMS manual
- Customizable start page with merchandize features and social share buttons
- New fields for improved meta page descriptions to improve search engine performance
- Customizable revised news module
- User Interface changes for an improved usability
- Google Analytics Code insertion via CMS
- New cms module to add and edit orders manually
Go to the latest Version
Made with organically grown, locally sourced code.