Version 3.1.0 (released january 2013)
- Migrate all Java Script effects to jQuery on the frontent pages
- all fade-ins, smooth scrolling, dynamically appearing divs,
- rearrange photos via drag and drop, use of arrow keys for gallery- and photonavigation
- slideshow and ajax autosuggestion for keywords on search form
- Using PJAX to partially load new content of photo sites
- Implemented and tested but discarded because:
- not all social plugins load properly with correct URLs, titles and descriptions
- not 100% sure about the functionality of different analytics page tracker software
- and finally it will not safe much loading time or traffic on the photo pages
- because nearly all content is unique for a photo (title, keywords, description, products, awards, etc.)
- Used typeahead for keywords on news form
- Fixed some layout issues for extra long photo titles
- Redesigned the edit-photo form in the CMS
- Now using HTML5 doctypes, CSS, script links and menu syntax “nav”
- Improved forms with HTML5 input types
- Implemented new search for an image ID number in the CMS
- Replaced AddThis buttons with ShareThis buttons (better integration)
- Integrated new option to make the complete background black with one click
- used on photo pages for sites with a bright design
- Revised some error messages for different forms in the CMS
- Changed the filename validation so Umlauts are now allowed
- Fixed an issue with names ending on an “s” on the newsletter subscription form